贡眉茶饼什么 *** 弄碎好喝及图解 ***

Title: The Art of Preparing Delicious Gong Mei Tea Cake with Crushing Techniques


贡眉茶饼什么 *** 弄碎好喝及图解 ***

Gong Mei Tea Cake is a popular variety of Chinese tea known for its rich flavor and health benefits. One of the key steps in brewing Gong Mei tea is to crush the tea cake. In this article, we will explore different methods to crush Gong Mei tea cake to maximize its taste and aroma. We will also provide a step-by-step guide with accompanying illustrations for better understanding.

1. Traditional Hand Grinding Method:

The traditional hand grinding method involves using a mortar and pestle. Start by breaking the Gong Mei tea cake into *** all pieces. Place a few pieces at a time into the mortar and crush them with the pestle in a circular motion. Continue this process until the tea cake is completely crushed into fine particles. This method allows for more control and is often preferred by tea connoisseurs.

2. Electric Grinder Method:

For those who prefer a faster and more convenient method, an electric grinder can be used to crush the Gong Mei tea cake. Break the tea cake into *** all pieces and place them into the grinder. Pulse the grinder a few times until the tea cake is crushed into desired consistency. However, be cautious not to over-grind, as it may result in a powdery texture.

3. Rolling Pin Method:

Another simple method to crush Gong Mei tea cake is by using a rolling pin. Place the tea cake pieces in a sturdy, sealable plastic bag. Remove any excess air and seal the bag. Use a rolling pin to gently roll over the bag, lying even pressure to crush the tea cake. Continue until the desired fineness is achieved.

Step-by-Step Guide:

1. Prepare the Gong Mei tea cake and break it into *** all, manageable pieces.

2. Choose your preferred crushing method from the ones mentioned above.

3. Follow the instructions for your selected method to crush the tea cake into fine particles.

4. Once you have achieved the desired fineness, transfer the crushed tea cake into an airtight container to preserve its freshness.

5. Use an ropriate amount of crushed tea cake to brew your Gong Mei tea. The recommended ratio is one teaspoon of crushed tea cake per cup of water.

6. Brew the tea by pouring hot water (around 90°C) over the crushed tea cake and let it steep for about 2-3 minutes.

7. Strain or remove the tea leaves before serving.


Crushing Gong Mei tea cake is an essential step to unlock its full flavor potential. Whether using the traditional hand grinding method, an electric grinder, or a rolling pin, the goal is to achieve a fine consistency that will enhance the tea's taste and aroma. By following the step-by-step guide and selecting a suitable method, you can enjoy a delicious cup of Gong Mei tea that will leave you wanting more.


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